Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tracy, Traci, or Treci...however you spell it, this is about her

Tracy is our dog here at the orphanage.  I have heard visitors muse that she must be part-dingo or part-coyote from the way she looks.  I certainly can't tell for sure!  Here are a few things you might like to know about Tracy:
1. She is a pretty friendly dog...most of the time.  She likes to visit the volunteer floor, and I always see her tail wagging.  
2.  Tracy has never been to obedience school...and it shows!
3.  She had, for awhile, the habit of sleeping just outside our room door, then barking (loudly, mind you) when she heard a threatening noise.  
4.  She ate her litter of puppies...twice.  (For the sake of the squeamish, I will not repeat the story here on the blog...but feel free to ask me later.) 
5.  Tracy likes to bark, chase, and nip at cars/buses...even buses that may are not running...even buses that guys may be pushing at 7 in the morning to try to get them started....David is not a fan.
6.  I (Courtney)  never know what she's been rolling in, so I avoid touching her, despite how she seems to be always begging for a scratch behind the ears (it's nearly too cute). 
7.  She likes to steal socks left out in the open... it's really funny as long as it doesn't happen to you!
Oscar and Bryson locking Tracy up....or trying to at least.  Poor puppy!
8.  Once, when we were having an obstacle course for the kids, she kept trying to pop the balls we were using, so she had to be locked up.  (She then escaped a few times...oh Tracy.)
9.  There are two sides here at the orphanage regarding Tracy: those that love her, and those that do not.  I used to be on the "love her" side until I saw her catch and eat a live bird out in our orchard....not so much like my (dearly loved and dearly missed) black lab, Zoi, I guess.  -C

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