Friday, June 19, 2015

The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same

We've been in Peru for four days already!  We made our connection from Houston to Lima with a whole one minute to spare, and then spent the night in Lima airport, but we got here safe and sound.  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were days at Hogar de Esperanza.  In the mornings we worked on projects doing some cleaning and maintenance, and then in the afternoons we did at VBS-type program that Courtney was a big part of planning. Today, we went and watched a school program of some of the girls from the orphanage, and then in the afternoon we went out to help with ministry that works with people who live in the garbage dump outside of town.

It's weird seeing how much some things have changed.  There are buildings, stoplights, bridges, and all kinds of other things that weren't here last time we were here.  Over half of the kids who were at the orphanage 3 years ago are gone, and there are a few new kids too.  The orphanage is also in much worse shape--there are far fewer staff workers, the entire second floor is completely unused, the garden is gone.  And yet, our favorite restaurant still has the same waiter (who remembered Courtney), Jessica still pulled my ears when she sat on my shoulders, and Edwin still hummed while he was on the swing.  Some of the hard things about being here are also the same--it is physically and emotionally exhausting, and we end up feeling raw in a lot of ways.

It's impossible to describe all of the thoughts and feelings that we have coming here three years after we left.  It was heartbreaking to leave the first time, and the kids started pulling those heart strings almost immediately.  Within the first day of being there, we were getting questions like "are you staying here with us" and "are you going to leave again" and "WHY can't you stay."  It was really great, though, to have most of the kids remember us, and be happy to see us.  We've kept up with most of the older ones on Facebook, but had basically no contact with the younger kids.

We are glad to be here, and so glad to be with these kids again.  Tomorrow, we are going on an outing with them to a camp-type place where there is a pool, soccer field, and apparently even some horses to ride.  I could try to say more about all the things we've been doing, but it's past bedtime, so I'll just post a lot of pictures, mostly of cute children, which is probably why you're reading this in the first place :-)

And........on second thought, after a variety of attempts, the internet seems to be refusing pictures uploads, so you'll have to wait a bit longer for them. 


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