Sunday, April 19, 2015

When we left Peru

As I've been reflecting on our return trip to Peru this summer, I am realizing that things will not be the same as when we left. And you might be thinking: what an obvious realization!  But the way I left things--and people--in Peru is still the way I picture them being.

I have been lucky enough to maintain relationships with people who still live in Peru, including some of the kids at Hogar de Esperanza, so I know in my mind that lots has changed. At the same time, I still picture the boys I had in tutoria as first graders who love laughing and reading books. I still imagine that Treci, the guard dog will be there when we arrive, and that each of the house mothers are still working at Hogar de Esperanza.

But I know things have changed, for better and for worse.

Many of the staff members I knew during my time at Hogar de Esperanza have left, and new staff members have taken their places. I do know that Reina, one of the house mothers, is still there, since we message on Facebook, and I look forward to spending time with her.

There have been some children sent to forever families since we left :)  Of course, three of these children are with their family here in Champaign, IL.  When we left, we didn't have a solid timeline for their adoption, but I am so pleased that we have been able to see them adjust to their new family and start to heal.

Other kids whom we left at Hogar de Esperanza have gone to live with other family members or been moved to other locations.

The kids have all grown! This shouldn't be surprising, but, in the photos that we see, so many of the kids look taller! Jessica is no longer the little toddler that we left in 2012, and others whom we left as kids are now teenagers!

I acknowledge, of course, that David and I have changed as well. I look back at the person I was when I first went to Peru in 2011 and just have to shake my head. There is so much that I didn't know. There is still a lot that I don't know, although I'm always trying to learn more (explains my career choice as a librarian, doesn't it?) I am looking forward to returning to Peru, and to Hogar de Esperanza, with a few more years of life under my belt, fresh eyes, and a rejuvenated spirit.

I'm glad you're coming along for the ride.


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