Saturday, August 13, 2011

2 weeks and counting...

…counting, that is, the number of things left on our to-do list before we leave. (But first, a recent accomplishment...we are now licensed to drive in Peru--Yikes!) But really, despite the mounting nervousness and growing chaos in our apartment, David and I have been so blessed this summer. Let me share some of these blessings with you:

Our family has been incredibly supportive and encouraging; even though David and I are the ones who are going to work at the orphanage, I feel like we’ve become a part of a much larger mission team.

Current orphanage volunteers have reached out via email and facebook to encourage us, answer our questions, and share our excitement about the work that the Hogar de Esperanza orphanage is doing!

Details regarding where to store, well, pretty much everything we own have quickly fallen into place! Thank you so much!

David and I were both able to defer our graduate school enrollment for the year we are gone. We were also able to visit our respective graduate schools at University of Illinois this summer AND make arrangements for housing after we return for the Fall 2012 semester. God is so good!

We’ve even been able to vacation very inexpensively (well, mostly for free) this summer thanks to David’s family who included us in their family vacations!

Of course, there are many more ways we’ve been blessed…too many to name, and as I look around at the piles of half-filled boxes in my living room I realize how materially blessed I am, even as a graduate student! David and I are looking forward to sharing the many more blessings and adventures we encounter as we serve at Hogar de Esperanza, so stay tuned! -C


  1. safe travels you two! Will miss you!

  2. Praying that your flight and travels went well. It was so hard to say goodbye on Wednesday. My prayers go with you. Love, Mom VH
