Sunday, January 8, 2012

Brief Update

First, some photos from Christmas celebrations.
 It was cool to see how many groups wanted to come in at Christmastime to give gifts, throw parties, and distribute paneton and hot chocolate!  We wish we could have this sort of outpouring of love all year round!

 Christmastime here is during the summer, so it often includes lots of sunshine and trips to parks and pools! 

We also had the opportunity this Christmastime to travel home to Michigan to see our family and friends!  We were even fortunate enough to see snow our second day in the States!  However, we had a terrible time getting our flights to work so we could arrive home as scheduled.  The evening before we left for home, David checked all of our flights (isn't he great?) but found that one of them had been delayed about 6 hours, which meant that the rest of our flights were adjusted, causing us to have an extra day of travel and arrive home a day late (missing parties and appointments).  He stayed up the rest of the night finding an alternate way home and speaking with various airline representatives, well, if by the "rest of the night" you understand to be until 2:00am, when we had to wake up to get ready and leave for the bus station to catch a bus that would take us north to Chiclayo, from where we would catch a flight to Lima in time for our regularly scheduled Lima-Miami flight. There was a lot of desperate praying going on, but each time we ran into problems, things still worked out in the end.

Since arriving back to the albergue, we have reached a total of 14 volunteers--that's twice as many as we've normally had over my time here!  It's a lot of fun; everyone has a lot of energy, and the kids are getting lots of attention and love. We have loved coming back and seeing all the kids, but we have not loved coming back to all the mosquitoes.  I have 41 mosquito bites right now...forty-one!  I've started a strict regiment of applying bug spray multiple times daily.  We also bought a fan to help keep us cool at night since it gets quite hot here.  Quite a change from Michigan!  -C

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